קולוקוויום בחוג לגאופיזיקה: A new aero-towed vector magnetometer system: On bird design, test survey, and quality of data
Prof. Roi Granot, BGU
The magnetization of crustal rocks induces local magnetic fields that generate “magnetic anomalies”. Although vectorial, almost all magnetic surveys measure the amplitude of these local fields, which have proved to be extremely useful for various scientific and commercial purposes. Nevertheless, total-field magnetic measurements suffer from profound limitations arising from basic physical principles. This talk will discuss the potential and challenges in measuring vector magnetic anomalies. I will present the first aero-towed vector magnetometer system (AeroVmag) we recently developed. Results from a test survey that we conducted above the Sea of Galilee allow us to assess the quality of this system and validate the results against previously collected geophysical datasets. Our vector observations also unravel the location of the main segments of the Dead Sea Fault that accommodated most of the Arabia-Sinai displacement.
מארגן האירוע: ד"ר רועי ברקן