הרצאת צהרי יום ג': Quantum imaging with free electrons and light

דר' יהונתן ישראלי

09 ביולי 2024, 12:00 
בניין שנקר, אולם מלמד 006 
הרצאת צהרי יום ג'



The ability to control and manipulate free electrons and light is interesting for its fundamental aspects, while its development for imaging applications has seen great progress, enabling imaging at atomic resolutions and optical super-resolution microscopy. Recent developments in quantum information and quantum metrology have inspired a growing interest in developing techniques to control the quantum properties of free electrons and quantum states of light for enhanced sensing, as well as attain the quantum limits for imaging applications. Furthermore, the development of quantum properties in free imaging has introduced the quantum information and quantum algorithms of an image in a microscope, which can be beneficial for quantum information processing. In this context, I will give an outlook for experiments in my new lab at TAU on quantum information processing and quantum simulations using free electrons in an electron microscope.


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