סמינר בחוג לגיאופיזיקה: On the health effects of transported and resuspended dusts

Prof. Yinon Rudich, Weizmann Institute

19 ביוני 2017, 11:00 
בניין שנקר, אולם הולצבלט 007 
סמינר בחוג לגיאופיזיקה


People in regions such as the Eastern Mediterranean are often exposed to high levels of both transported mineral dust and to resuspended urban dust. Due to warming and drying trends, the frequency and intensity of dust storms have increased in the Eastern Mediterranean over the last decades. High exposure to particulate matter is a known risk factor to exposed population, but the detailed understanding of how these dusts affect health remain elusive. In this talk I will describe aspects of how dust may impact health. First, transport of bacteria by desert dust, its effects on the local microbiome and dependence on the source region will be described. Then, we will describe the biological effects due to exposing water soluble extracts of fresh and aged dust particles from the Israeli Negev Desert to alveolar macrophages. Finally, we will discuss how repeated exposures to resuspended urban dust affect oxidative stress and inflammation, and lead to oxidative damage in lung tissues. These effects are attributed to the presence of dissolved metals mostly from brake and tire wear. The possible roles of defense mechanisms will be discussed. Finally, a global view on the distribution of metals will be shown. These result suggest that exposure to dust may impact human health, especially under global changes.



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